Friday, July 31, 2009

Exercise As a Stress Management Tool

For me, fitness is part of life. It’s not just strength training or aerobics. It’s about promoting a total healthy well being by choices made with exercise, nutrition and mental self-care (stress). I do my best to communicate this to my clients, as well as all of those around me that will listen. My hope is that they will envelope all of those factors into their lives.
Stress is a factor of life we all experience to one degree or another. It could range from financial or family difficulties, work or school deadlines or even a bad hair day. It is all how you define it. Stress manifests itself in the body differently for everyone. It could be increased blood pressure, heart rate, respiration or perspiration. Some experience clenched teeth, muscle tightness, stomach issues such as ulcers and even tension headaches. One thing that is for certain, as long as we live we all have to incur stress and learning how to manage it is for our well-being.
So how does fitness positively impact stress? Physical exercise is one of the most effective ways of relieving stress. Endorphins are natural chemical substances released by the body that make you feel good. When you exercise and increase the heart rate with exertion, these chemicals are released which help reduce stress. They are similar in nature to opiates.
Several of my clients have stress relief as one of the reasons they want me to construct their workout for them. It could be one of my mothers that needs time away from her busy home life to focus on her. She knows she will definitely get her workout in, otherwise, it may not happen. Many clients have stressful situations at home and need the environment I create to release frustrations during their workout. I use that frustration to their benefit in a workout session and subtly encourage them to work harder and usually they do not even realize it.
Go with what is natural to the body to reduce your stress with exercise. You will definitely experience many other benefits, as well.

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