Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Being Consistent is the Key to Success

The word consistent is defined in Merriam-Webster as; showing steady conformity to character, profession, belief or custom. I find this to be an important topic when it comes to fitness. There are various goals in sight when a fitness regimen is started. Reaching the goal comes with ups and downs that occur as with anything in life. The key with reaching that ultimate goal, whether it is weight loss, an overall toned body or to have more energy to keep up with the kids, is being consistent.
One has to show steady conformity with believing and even stronger, knowing, that they are going to reach their goal. As soon as one is distracted from their goal, their consistency is thrown off. When you stick with something and find the rhythm and pattern to what you are doing, results happen and the hard work pays off.
For example, I have been teaching group fitness classes and training individuals for many years and I observe (and know) how being consistent with one’s workout creates happiness rather than frustration. How many times have you heard your friend or family member say they need to start a workout plan but just can’t stick with it OR they have started too many times to count and then fall off the wagon? Even in my own boot camp classes, people start with great intention and then stop or come sporadically throughout the program. Change within the body is not easy; in addition, the older we get the harder it is to make those changes. You have to put in consistent time and effort.
This is also most important with food choices. How many times have I heard the excuse that since the individual is exercising they can have those McDonald’s fries? Listen, until you have even made the slightest dent in what you are trying to achieve, those treats need to go on hold. They won’t be on hold forever, just a little while until you have made some steady, consistent progress. You have to ask yourself, what is more important. . my health and body image or that treat? Eating that treat can also be an issue if you are not feeling confident about what you are doing. Again, how many times have you heard your friend of family member confess that they just messed up their diet so they might as well have a few more. Consequently, falling off of the wagon time after time.
Consistency in exercise comes as a result of being ready emotionally to make change. In my entry dated January 4, 2009, entitled Stages of Change, I discuss the various mental stages one goes through, as fitness becomes a part of their life. Once you are consistent, you are in the Action stage with continuum toward Maintenance. Keep in mind consistency does not happen over night. Some people have to work on it with discipline. Find the method that works for you as a reminder of what you should be doing for your fitness and eating plan and stay consistent!

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