Monday, March 23, 2009

Can Wii get Fit?

This weekend I finally tried the Wii Fit. I wanted to see why this game is so popular and could not be found for purchase during the holidays. A few of my clients have the game and asked if I had ever tried it, but since I stay fairly active between teaching 7 classes a week and exercising with my clients, I can sacrifice. It is a video experience that I found fun, increased my heart rate and I also noticed my competitive nature resurfaced.
I had a chance to play tennis in addition to bowling, hula hooping and basic stepping. I love to bowl as it is, so I loved to compete with my husband and friends without getting the shoes at the local bowling alley. I also found I was very competitive with the tennis game and really got into it, which increased my heart rate a little. My heart rate also increased while hula hooping, although I had to get my timing right while reaching to catch each hula-hoop. The basic step was a great introduction for someone that wants to take step class at their fitness club or community center. One could get a better workout by walking quickly up and down their steps 10 or times to burn a few more calories.
For someone that has not been exposed to ANY form of exercise, I think it is a great catalyst to get started. It tracks your weight and keeps a calendar of your visits for accountability. It may not be in your budget, however, if you know someone that has it, give it a try. Once someone is really comfortable with it, they should be ready to increase the intensity of their workout and incorporate strength training (with more than just body weight) into their regimen to gain more lean muscle to burn even more calories.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Will Heavy Weights Make Me Bulky?

There is a common thought among women that when they start to work with weights they will get bulky if they lift “heavy”. This is so far from the truth. In the past few weeks, I have started to work with a few new clients and one of the women stated she has never worked with anything heavy for fear of bulking up. Another client stated she feels she has been working hard for the past year, but has not seen any change in her body. Then, today after one of my toning classes, a participant questioned what method she should take to get “cuts” in her arms to look shapelier. Have any of these comments/question crossed your mind? If so, read on.
In the above cases where the women want change, they are going to have to lift heavier weights during their strength training sessions. The reason we do not bulk up as women is due to the lack of testosterone. Now, if you see women in magazines or even in passing in Target that look like bodybuilders, they have possibly added something to their diet or intake to assist with the bulky look. It will not happen to you if you lift weights that are outside of your comfort zone.
Realize that if you are beginning a training program, you do not want to start with lifting heavy weights. You have to prime your body by developing endurance and core stability first. Creating your ideal body should occur in stages, so take your time and be patient.
So what is heavy? It is relative to the person and their goals. Let’s take a 4-week training period working with weights 3 days a week. A sample program will be in week 1 to complete 3 sets of an exercise with 12 reps. In week 2, complete 3 sets with 10 reps. In week 3, complete 4 sets with 8 reps and week 3 complete 5 sets with 6 reps. You will systematically increase your weight each week. A gauge to know if the weight is challenging you is as the reps decrease, they feel impossible but doable with keeping your form. This is just one example, as there are many ways to challenge the muscles. Remember, this example is after you have developed your core stability and endurance with your resistance training.
For the individuals that need to see change in their body composition and “cuts” in their arms, this is the method. Embrace the weights and know they will only help you get leaner and burn more calories. This brings me to another benefit of lifting heavier weights, which is weight loss. If your goal is to lose a significant amount of weight, heavier weight training will be part of your answer. Again everything should be in stages and takes time, so start slow and work your way up. The other part of the equation to make changes in the body is, of course, consistent healthy eating and cardiovascular training.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Fight the Urge

I recently had a request on the topic of fighting impulses to snack. One of my clients states, “people bring snacks to work all the time and it is hard to pass through the kitchen at work without sampling.” This is common in various situations. Food can represent different things to all of us. Some people eat when happy or depressed or just because. Food is usually the center of any type of event where people are gathering such as; baby/bridal showers, weddings, funerals, birthdays, meetings, and get-togethers. These could be full spread meals or snacking foods. Whether it is an event or just passing through your kitchen at work, the urge to eat too much or snack will control you OR you will control it.
So how do you control the urges? It can be challenging for most people, but realize that urges usually last for a short period of time and if you realize it is just an urge, you can surpass it.
There are feelings and moods that can affect these urges and I suggest for you to HALT when you feel overly hungry, angry, lonely, tired or bored. With these five feelings, they can really affect your urge to eat too much or snack. Let's take hunger as our example. If you feel you want to snack, ask yourself if a piece of fruit or yogurt will satisfy you and if the answer if no, then it is just an urge or craving because if you are really hungry, any healthy option will satisfy you. You may be having a sugar, salt or fatty food craving, but you have to be smarter than the craving and arm yourself with healthier options. Can you bring your healthy snacks to work and keep them at your desk? Yes, you can! Can you consume water or flavored water prior to attending an event to fill you up? Yes, you can. Can you eat every 3 hours to ensure that you don't get hungry and want to snack mindlessly or eat too much? Yes, you can!
Here are some other tips:
  • Have a designated eating place (DEP) especially at home, so that you only eat in that spot. Do not eat in bed or in front of the television.
  • Identify and realize the triggers that create the urge to snack. Could it be a person, place, time of day, physiological factor? (ie. menstral cycle)
  • Avoid food shopping when hungry. Eat something prior to going.
  • Buy sugarless gum and chew when you know you will be faced with tough situations.
The key is to control the urge and not let it control you. You have to have a plan in place to react and keep you on track toward your end goal.

Monday, March 2, 2009

The Role of Your Thoughts in Overcoming Barriers

Did you know that your thoughts play a critical role in behavior change and they also set the stage for lapses in your behavior? I am referring to changing your lifestyle to become healthy and fit. In my entry, Stages of Change, dated January 4th, I discuss how before you take the physical steps to start an exercise and/or weight loss program, you have to take mental steps to ensure you are committed and will stay with the journey to be successful.
During the journey, thoughts can be influenced by both internal and external factors. For example, the external factors are years of learned behavior that has created poor eating habits and lack of exercise or unrealistic images in media and print that affect your opinion of yourself. Internal factors can be lack of motivation, self-sabotage, doubt and negative thinking.
The different types of thoughts that you may identify with are:
All or Nothing
In this line of thinking you are either with the program inclusive of all the peaks and valleys that may occur or if the slightest thing throws you off course, you are finished and feel you have failed.
Restriction and Deprivation
In this line of thinking your diet consists of strong thinking of what you can have or what you cannot have. Did you know it is extremely unrealistic to eliminate your favorite foods entirely? Weight control is balance and moderation NOT perfection. You have to be able to aim for better choices and recognize that not everything will be ideal.
Rationalizations or Excuses
When you rationalize, these are just rational lies you are telling yourself. Are you constantly making excuses for not starting something or sticking with it? Accountability is so important with change. You have to be able to hold yourself accountable and if you need to, find support via a friend, family member or fitness professional.
Is the glass half empty or half full? Can you turn a negative situation into a positive? With this line of thinking, you doubt success at the deepest level and common thoughts center around, “I hope” or “I wish” or “If only I”. These are defeating phrases in areas of change toward a healthy lifestyle that you CAN control. Change to "I will" or "I can".

Ok, so what is the solution? It lies within you. You have to come to terms with knowing that your body will change if you lead it with positive, affirming thoughts in your mind and your heart. You have to want change like you have wanted nothing else for yourself and not let the internal of external factors rule. Take charge and emphasize what you love about you. When you are comfortable with that, your negative thinking will lessen and you will find success toward a healthier and fitter you!