Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Every Fitness Journey Starts With a Simple Step

2008 has come to an end and 2009 begins. With the start of a new year, there are common resolutions, goals or changes you may plan to make in the new year. Is one of those to change your body composition through better eating choices and exercise? As long as I have been in the fitness industry, I see the generic fitness goal to do some type of exercise. This usually comes after an overindulgent holiday season. People join gyms or other forms of group exercise and usually stop after a few months. If you are paying a membership, you are wasting your money at that point. Change is not easy and you really have to make a commitment to yourself that you are starting a journey for the long haul. For example, if you need to lose 30 or more pounds, you have to remember that it probably did not appear in the last few months and it is going to take time, hard work and determination to lose. Unfortunately, those extra pounds appear much easier than disappear.
Start with small, realistic goals such as losing 2 pounds a week. This is more manageable than always thinking that you need to lose those 30 pounds. If it does not seem like it is disappearing quick enough, frustration sets in. With exercise, find what inspires or motivates you. Start with a simple walk and when it gets cold, head to your largest local mall. Walk the floor and take the stairs several times to increase your intensity. Do you like to dance? There are latin, ballroom, line and belly dancing classes. Whatever it is, make it consistent. When it comes to changing your eating habits, this is the HARDEST component of changing the body composition, but is the MOST important. Trying to go on a "diet" by changing everything you eat is not suggested because it usually does not create long lasting changes. Changing how you eat and what you eat should come in stages because it should be for the rest of your life. This too will take time, hard work and determination. What is one thing you can eliminate this week that adds unhealthy, empty calories? Is it those 2 bottles of soda a day or that bagel every morning? Start with gradual, small changes.
Ok, so maybe you have reached your weight loss goal and you have entered a maintenance stage. You have a new goal to gain more definition in your body so that when you wear a certain type of shirt, your arms are enviable. You have to start with simple steps here, as well. You want to gauge the intensity that works best so that it is manageable and you are motivated to stick with it to attain results. Every fitness journey starts with a simple step. Are you ready to take that step?

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Breakfast on the Go

When I initially meet with clients and discuss their daily food intake, breakfast is one meal that usually falls by the wayside. Excuses are they got up late, had to get the kids ready or just did not think about it. Breakfast is the one meal that should not be missed. Here are some reasons why you should eat breakfast:
  • When you wake up, your body has not consumed food since (preferably) two hours prior to going to sleep. During sleep, your body is on its longest stretch of the day without food, still functioning and using energy (calories). When you continue this stretch of time without eating, your body responds by diminishing its metabolic rate and burning fewer calories to conserve energy. By eating breakfast, you jump start your metabolism for the day.
  • Research has shown repeatedly that when people eat breakfast, you have a better chance of losing weight and keeping it off. When you skip meals, you get really hungry and make poor choices for your next meal because you want to eat anything in sight.
  • When you eat breakfast, you are more focused and alert. Eating breakfast helps improve memory and positively affects tasks that require your attention.
Here are some on-the-go breakfast ideas:
  1. Precooked hard-boiled egg whites
  2. Celery sticks with a tablespoon of natural peanut butter
  3. Single serving of yogurt or cottage cheese
  4. Fresh fruit
  5. Whole wheat toast or multi-grain English muffin with low-fat cheese
  6. Precooked turkey bacon
The main point is to eat something to avoid slowing your metabolism down and overeating later in your day!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Success Comes From Support

Do you have a friend that shares your goals and desire to get healthy? You may have differing specific goals, for example she or he wants to gain muscle definition and you need to focus on weight loss. Regardless of what your differing specific goals are, you both want to get healthy, which is most important. All plans to get fit and healthy should include making smarter food choices, cardiovascular exercise and strength training. You can do it together! You are more likely to be successful when you have someone to support you through the journey. Working out with someone else makes you less likely to blow off the hard work. Surrounding yourself with people who support your goals will inspire you to eat right, exercise consistently and stay motivated. Ok, maybe you do not have similar schedules and cannot work out together, you can still talk about your body transformation journey with the triumphs and frustrations that come your way. This will also help you stay motivated. When you go out to eat, dine with that person so you will stay accountable to each other. If you are tempted by foods, you can decide together what are the healthiest options.
You should also tell other people that are closest to you what your goals are. Those that truly care and love you will be supportive and help you along the way. You are not alone.
Even if you do not have people in your life that would make good partners, role models or fans, there are people out there that want to make the same choices as you. Seek them out by networking with co-workers, church members and neighbors. Maybe someone wants to hire a trainer but does not want to do it alone. That would be a perfect opportunity to connect with that person if you share a similar desire. If you surround yourself with people who support you and want to see you succeed, chances are you will.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

You Are So Worth It!

Change is uncomfortable and sometimes painful. It requires some struggle, but is so worth the effort. Every time you push yourself physically, you grow stronger and more confident in your abilities. It becomes easier each time, but you have to try. If you don't try, how will you know? You have to have faith in yourself to know you can achieve anything you put your mind to. You are so worth it!
There are many reasons that prospective clients hire me. It could be that they want to lose weight, strengthen their body for everyday movement, develop their core muscles or have visible muscle tone without flexing. The range varies, but the number one issue that most people need help with is the motivation to push them to the level they are seeking. Getting people on track is what I do, but the desire to change has to come from within.
When one struggles with change, there could be a myriad of reasons but two that have a very strong presence is fear and doubt. These feeling are very crippling psychologically, which limits abilities. For example, if you want to lose weight and have gone through the motions of starting, stopping and starting again you should stop and ask yourself, "What is really holding me back?"
Once you uncover your reasons, start the process of positive self-talks and know you can achieve change. Your thoughts are very powerful and drive you to action. If changing your body to be what you want has been a struggle so far in life, know that you can take that step. It starts from within because you are so worth it!