Friday, October 28, 2011

Nutrient Composition and Post Workout Meal Timing

I am usually asked how much of the different macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, fat) one should consume in addition to what one should consume after a workout. Here are some tips for good nutrition:

1. Excess protein consumption is not good for the body. It decreases your calcium absorption and the kidneys are not fond of it. The diet should consist of no more than 15%-30% protein. A way to find how many grams you individually should consume is to take your body weight and divide by 2.2. That will be your weight in kilograms(kg). You can then multiply that by a number between .8 and 1.2 to get the accurate amount of protein grams your body needs. .8 grams will be for someone that is sedentary and 1.2 is for someone that is very active. For example, a 150 pound person that is moderately active needs 68 grams of protein in a day.

2. Carbohydrates are your main source of energy. There are many different types of carbohydrates such potatoes, rice, bread, beans, fruits and vegetables. The diet should consist of 45%-60% carbohydrates. Another suggestion is to have 4 grams per kg of bodyweight. Take your weight in kilograms calculated above and multiply by 4. For example, a 150 pound person should have 272 grams of carbohydrates in a day.

3. Fat is another source of energy the body needs and should not be left out. Consumption should be from healthy monounsaturated and Omega 3 sources such as olive oil, almonds, salmon and avocado to name a few. The diet should contain about 20% of total daily calories from fat sources. The average person should consume maximum of about 80 grams per day, however, if you are trying to lose weight, it should be no more than 45-60 grams per day.

4. All of the above suggestions will vary per person based on age, gender, weight and activity level. You can find the amount of grams a food item has by looking at the nutrition facts on the packaging. Non-packaged items can be found easily online. If uncertain, seek assistance.

5. Lastly, after a workout, it is important to consume the right nutrients and in a timely manner to nourish the body for improvement. After a strength workout, it is important to consume a small amount of protein at least 30 minutes after the workout. If you go for a liquid, whey protein is fast digesting and starts the rebuilding process quicker. It can also be food such as eggs, yogurt, cottage cheese or chicken breast. A full meal should be eaten within two hours after any type of workout. It should consist of a 2:1 ratio of carbohydrate to protein with a little healthy fat added.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Life is Full of Choices

Life is full of choices that we have to make all the time. Sometimes we follow the path of least resistance, which is the easy road and sometimes we have to make those tough decisions for career, family and relationships. Improving one's health and wellness becomes a choice, as well. Some people have no problem with making it apart of their lives, while others struggle. The struggle is to be committed and consistent by including some type of physical activity in your life, as well as making healthier choices with foods. There are plenty of reports that say that those choices make one feel better mentally, physically and spiritually, but for some reason something always gets in the way, whether it is the career, family or a relationship.

Did you know that when you take care of you first everything around you seems to fall into place? When you are healthy and well as a result of exercise, your brain functions better, feel good hormones are released, you move better, sleep better and so many other benefits. You have to take care of you in order to take care of those and issues around you.

Many times people start to exercise with the best intentions and then something derails them and then they start and stop again. The cycle continues. Then there is the doctor's annual visit or maybe something does not feel right and that prompted the appointment. He or she suggest to start exercising and change some of your eating habits or you may have to start taking medications for X Y or Z. You don't want to get to this point.

Choose to be healthy and well by exercising at least 3-4 days per week and getting rid of processed foods high in sugar, sodium and fat. Choose to consume low fat meats and dairy, colorful vegetables, whole grains and lots of water. Your life will be more well rounded and balanced when you do.