Sunday, October 26, 2008

What Type of Exercise Do I Engage In?

After teaching a strength conditioning class recently, a participant approached me and asked what type of cardio I do because of my physical appearance.
I explained that my body composition is primarily from strength training, a cross of various types of cardiovascular exercise and clean eating. I currently teach classes in step aerobics, cardio circuits, toning, Pilates and cycling. This keeps my workouts varied and as a result, works different muscles constantly. Every once in a while, I will return to a treadmill, stairclimber or elliptical machine. I also strength train and take yoga as a personal commitment.
I believe once you start a workout program, you have to alter it so that you do not get bored and possibly unmotivated. This not only includes your cardio workout, but your strength as well. You can change your exercises, repetitions, numbers of sets, tempo, and add plyometrics. If your body gets accustomed to a workout, it will stagnate and not progress.
Clean eating is the major component that changed my body composition. I have referenced it in several of my posts, so now I will explain. I competed in several Figure shows in 2002 and 2004. During my experience, I followed a very strict diet. I trained very hard of course, but never changed my eating patterns or food choices prior to that experience. I had always exercised, but noticed how much my body changed once I eliminated sugar, salt and added fats. After I competed, I did not maintain the “competition diet”, but I maintained the essence of it by eating small meals every three hours and eliminating many of the types of foods and snacks I was eating before such as saltines, cookies, whole eggs, butter, pork, breaded fish or chicken among many other things. When you eat clean, you have more energy and feed the body nourishment it needs. I have dessert every once in a while, however, I ensure that I eat more fresh fruit, vegetables and lean protein in addition to increased exercise the next day.
My main point is that an individual should engage in a workout routine that includes strength training with some type of cardiovascular exercise. Cleaning up your diet is the most important component to change your body composition. Combine the three and you will be on the road to a fitter you!

1 comment:

The Noltings said...

This is helpful to hear from a fitness consultant because one often wonders the weighting of importance of cardio, strength training, and healthy diet. This answered my question!