Sunday, June 26, 2011

Strength In Numbers

Are in a rut with an exercise plan or just can’t seem to get yourself motivated to do something each week? I mean, all you keep hearing is that you have to get up and move your body for better health and fitness, but after a long day of giving to others you just don’t seem to have enough left for exercise. Heck, maybe you still have dinner and the kids to deal with. The couch seems to call your name and even feels like a magnet holding you in place. You settle in for a few minutes of television and it’s a wrap!

Oh, but you have the Wii or Xbox and tomorrow you plan to get on it. OR you will take a walk because the weather is forecasted to be beautiful. How many times has tomorrow come and gone?

If this is something you can relate to with exercise, it is helpful to join a fitness kinship. It builds camaraderie because there is strength in numbers. Group exercise is designed so that you do not have to go it alone.

When you start to attend a class, you may feel like you don’t have the energy, but as soon as you start moving, endorphins are released combined with the energy in the room and that feeling dissipates. You may have dragged yourself in there, but when you leave, you will have more energy and feel accomplished because you did not let another day go by without getting your exercise in . . alone . . again. Consider joining a group for fitness, it could make all the difference.

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