Sunday, April 5, 2009

Fitness For a Lifetime

I recently asked a girlfriend, what is one of your most pressing issues with exercise. She stated that she always wants to get into shape the "quickest way possible". She is one of my closest friends and has seen my career as a fitness consultant progress, so she knows I was not looking for any answer. I wanted her honest answer. It is a very common thought for those thinking about getting into shape or getting back onto the wagon to want to do it without putting in some hard work, sweat, effort and sacrifice. I am here to tell you that the healthiest way to get into shape is to let go of your inhibitions and put in that hard work, sweat, effort and sacrifice. One of my new clients states she knows it may take some time for the weight to come off. It took 7 years to put on her unwanted weight and she knows it is not coming off in a few months or even this year. It will take longer because it will be a natural and healthy plan.
The reasons folks want to get back into shape or start are very common, as well. One reason often expressed to change one's body is for an event such as a; vacation, reunion, wedding, anniversary or birthday. I view this as a great catalyst to start, however, that event has to be the beginning of the rest of a lifetime fitness journey and not the end of a quest. Fitness and good health can only benefit you for the rest of your life, so you have to continue some type of regimen. The initial hard work will not be so hard at that point, as some modifications will be made along the way.
Another reason for the interest in fitness stems from a health concern. Maybe the individual or someone close to them has been diagnosed with health issues that are preventable by taking care of oneself with better food choices and exercise. Health issues such as hypertension, high cholesterol, and diabetes to name a few.
I recently read in one of my fitness journals that the amount of obese people in the US outweighs the overweight. A recent report produced by the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey found that 34.3% of adults age 20 and over are obese while 32.7% are overweight. This is quite alarming. So many people are finding themselves creeping into these categories of being overweight and obese. The next categories (if not already there) are the hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes, and it could spiral downward from there.
My message is . . don't wait until an event to start your fitness journey. Embrace fitness for a lifetime to maintain or improve your health and well-being.

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