Saturday, January 2, 2010

Get Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable

One thing that is common with my clients is whether they need to lose 5 or 50 pounds, everyone wants to have a flatter tummy. Three of my clients have mentioned this week how tighter abs seems to be the area that is the hardest to achieve. I agree, especially if that is where your body stores your fat. If you notice some people tend to carry more of their weight in their hips, butt and legs (pear shape) whereas some carry more weight in their stomach (apple shape). The apple shape is definitely more prone to health issues because the weight is sitting around the vital organs, such as the heart, lungs, and liver and can lead to various disease such as hypertension, diabetes, heart conditions and even cancer.
Losing inches in the abdominal region is like any other part of the body, you have to make healthy food choices, increase your cardiovascular activity and add resistance exercise. The abdominals can be trained with basic floor exercises, balance work using stability balls and balance tools, Pilates core work and light weights.
I notice even with my own training, that if I do not work on my abs or watch what I eat, it shows immediately, so I know what I have to do. I communicate to my clients and you the reader that if you are not satisfied with what you see in the mirror you have to stay focused and understand that it takes hard work. One of my clients complains each time we do ab work, but wants to have flatter abs. Although, she is not willing to go up in a pants size, she grabs at her unwanted tummy and wishes it away. She knows it is not going to happen that way and I am sure you do to. We all want to travel the path of least resistance that will get us to our goal quickly and easily. If you are committed to change, you have to put in the work and sweat to make it happen. Get comfortable with being a little uncomfortable. It is worth it for the flatter abs and an overall healthier you!


Anonymous said...

It becomes increasingly more challenging when you are inundated with all of these "ab wonder" machines that surround us. I find myself thinking, "Hey, that might work for me, I should try it!" even though I know that they don't really work.

l.jackson said...

This is a constant battle for me. I know that in order to get the flat abs that I want, I have to constantly work at it. Unfortunately, I fall in the "apple" category.