Monday, January 11, 2010

Don't Let Others Negative Energy Rob You

This week one of my clients arrived to our session very lethargic. It was odd because I have not seen her like that in the few months that we have been working together. She stated if I was to leave her for a few minutes, she would probably fall asleep sitting not just in a chair, but on the stability ball she was on. I asked what happened and she said the day started out with negative energy that was all around her at work and lasted throughout the day. She let it affect her and consequently depleted her mental energy.

This can happen so often in our daily lives and if you let someone or something else affect you whether purposely or not, that can affect your outlook and demeanor for that day, week or even month. Once my client talked about it and realized what happened, the weight seemed to lift from her shoulders and she had a very productive workout.

What’s important is that she did realize it. Life is going to have negative energy and what I mean by negative energy in her case, was others having bad attitudes toward her or unnecessary complaining or just being uptight. You know these folks and you may have to encounter them in your day, however, the key is to not let their negativity spoil your positive energy. When you have a goal, whether it be weight loss with exercise and smarter food choices or something totally different, someone else can actually deter you and throw you off of your game. You have to be mentally strong to keep them out of your positive, goal-oriented and focused mindset. Don’t let others negative energy rob you!

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