I often get the question, "So, what do you eat?" This stems from conversation as I thread nutrition and diet into the whole fitness picture for my clients. Strength training is necessary, however, if anyone wants to change the composition of their body, changing how you eat must be a part of the process. One will not be successful without the other.
I truly practice what I preach by keeping with whole grains, lots of fruits, vegetables, fish, fowl with minimal dairy and fats.
The key is trying to keep the menu varied to refrain from getting bored. I eat every 3 hours and depending on my schedule, I eat a minimum 4-5 times a day.
My typical day will start with breakfast EVERYDAY which comes after waking up at the same time. These are important points with getting your body into a rhythm for consistency.
Breakfast choices: Kashi Cinnamon Harvest cereal (high fiber shredded wheat) with soy or rice milk. I also like Kashi Go Lean Crunch. There are many low-fat/high-fiber cereal choices in the market. On another day I may have egg whites, turkey bacon and whole wheat toast, or oatmeal with fruit. Water or OJ as my drink choice.
Snacks (minimum 2 times per day): If I am on the road, I carry my snacks with me at all times. I carry raw almonds, applesauce cups (no sugar added), yogurt, Nature Valley trail mix bars, mini-bagels, edamames, popcorn or dried fruit.
Lunch choices: Spinach salad with vegetables, tuna (in the pouch or packed in water) or legumes (such as black, pink, white or red beans). I may also eat a whole wheat wrap with fresh deli meat or preferably chicken or turkey breast.
A strawberry and banana smoothie made in my blender is a treat.
Dinner choices: Brown, basmati or wild rice or whole wheat couscous. Baked yams are a great source of fiber. Any type of vegetable. I am a fan of broccoli, carrots and asparagus. My protein is either grilled chicken breast, turkey breast, salmon or tilapia. When it gets cold outside, I will add a Healthy Choice soup.
There you go! This is just a sampling, but I make sure I have all of my food groups included in each meal with lots of water! Eating every 3 hours is important to maintain blood sugar levels to keep your energy level up and to aid in your body's rhythm of staying fit!
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As I'm sure you can imagine, we're all very curious of the secrets of your success. It's helpful to hear your approaches to a healthy lifestyle.
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