So, you think you need to consume protein for various reasons the media has implanted in your head. Could it be that you need it for energy or an increased amount to lose weight ascribing to the Atkins or South Beach diets? Let's chat.
Protein is one of the nutrients the body needs in its diet to provide the raw material to make all the various types of proteins the body needs. These body proteins provide important structural and regulatory functions. In some cases, protein is used for energy, but it is the last resort as the body will access carbohydrates first.
Protein needs vary with life stages. Growth during childhood and pregnancy increases protein requirements. When a person is healthy in other stages of life, the requirements are standard. If you look at the nutrition label on food items, the amount of protein is always listed in grams. The amount of protein a person needs is based on their weight. In general, the average person needs about 0.8 grams of protein per pound of body weight. To calculate, convert your weight in pounds to kilograms to be relative to grams. Divide your weight by 2.2 and then multiply by 0.8 to calculate how many grams of protein you need per day. For example, someone that weighs 165 pounds will need no more than 60 grams of protein. Take (165/2.2)*0.8=60. When you are an athlete or exercise and strength train frequently in a week, the requirement increases.
Unfortunately, as Americans we tend to over consume protein. Adequate protein intake is essential, however, protein excess may be a concern. This concern arises especially when the protein source is an animal. The saturated fat and cholesterol content will be higher, which can have negative health implications. Try to consume more vegetables with reduced sources of animal protein.
To give you an idea the protein content of food, here is a sample list:
1/2 cup vanilla soy milk 3 grams
3.5 oz chicken breast 29 grams
1/2 cup kidney beans 9 grams
1 slice American cheese 4 grams
1/2 cup pasta 7 grams
1 hard boiled egg 6 grams
The protein grams add up quickly, so be cognizant to consume what you need for a healthy you!
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