It is unhealthy component to the body and needs to find another home, but not with you. Call it a spare tire, love handles, thickness, or "Gerta", because you sometimes feel it has a mind and life of its own. Whatever it is, it has to go. When you carry excess weight around your middle, it is surrounding your major organs found in the center of your body. Your organs, such as your heart, lungs, kidneys, pancreas, liver, etc, all have major roles in your bodily functions. When they are crowded and surrounded by excess weight and fat, do you think they are functioning at their optimal level? Think about it.
Step 1 Add consistent strength training and aerobic exercise to reduce the growth of belly fat. The more exercise you perform, the more belly fat you lose. Start by walking, swimming, cycling or dancing! Belly fat will not go anywhere unless you exercise and change what you are eating.
Step 2 Eliminate candy, cookies, cake, cola and chips, better known as the 5 C's. Also, reduce with intention to eliminate fried foods.
Step 3 Add whole grains to your diet. Studies show that a calorie controlled diet rich in whole grains help to decrease extra fat around the waistline. Some examples are whole oats, bulgar, brown rice, rye, buckwheat, millet and quinoa.
Step 4 Choose from various oils that contain monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAS) for cooking your meals in order to burn belly fat. Canola, olive, flaxseed, sesame and walnut oils are some options.
Step 5 Adding avocados, soybeans, black and green olives, also help lose belly fat.
Step 6 Seeds and nuts containing (MUFAS) also help to lose belly fat. Add almond butter, cashew butter, natural peanut butter, dry-roasted cashews, dry-roasted peanuts, dry-roasted sunflower seeds, roasted pumpkin seeds, walnuts, almonds, pecans, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and sesame seeds. Any of these should be eaten in moderation because too much can help you pack on the pounds.
Step 7 Load up on your fresh vegetables and fruit. A diet consisting of many foods with a root or stem is the best rule of thumb.
Be Well!
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