Every time I am with clients or teaching fitness classes, I encourage that individual or group to push outside of their comfort zone. I sometimes observe doubt, however, once the level of exercise is achieved, surprise, relief and satisfaction all come at the same time. So why should you even push yourself or be pushed? When you stay at the same level, you stagnate and do not grow physically, mentally or spiritually.
Self-doubt is one characteristic that is sabotaging to getting started and staying on a wellness track. This could be for a fitness regimen or change of eating habits. You know that something has to change, but along with lack of motivation you may have some fear. That may be one barrier. What is it that you have to lose by trying? Ok, so a particular exercise looks hard or you are not sure that you can do that extra rep. What holds you back? When you try, you gain information. If an exercise was challenging, you continue work on it, but if it was easier than initially thought, it is time to move on.
Think about babies and children. They seem to be fearless when trying new things. If you have children, your baby needed to crawl before she or he walked. Did you doubt that your baby would not make that next level? Did you doubt that throughout all of their growing stages that they would not be able to achieve the next stage? I doubt that. In fact, I am sure you encouraged them to step outside of their comfort zone and was elated when they achieved that next level.
What about your career? Most of us want to make that next promotion or pay scale jump. If we want something bad enough, do we push ourselves to do better in order to make that achievement? You bet and are elated when that level is achieved.
So, when it comes to exercise and nutrition changes, why do adults doubt themselves? We know confidence comes from within, so look inside and think about what changes you need to make and if you are one that holds back, ask yourself why. What is there to lose? You have to crawl again before you walk and when you do, lose the self-doubt and gain elation for your health and wellness.
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