Sunday, October 31, 2010

Patience is a Virtue

When you give suggestions to friends, family, or even co-workers, usually the ones closest to you may listen to what you suggest, but may not really “hear” what you are saying. That means it goes in one ear and out the other or the information bounces off of them right back to you without being absorbed. Have you ever experienced this? You may think, let them hear it from someone else and they will get it.

My sister is one of those folks who was not ready to hear what I had been suggesting, with love, for years. The situation was that her weight was not in a healthy range and she had high blood pressure. Since health and fitness are my areas of expertise, I would always provide tips on exercise and nutrition. I even created a sample menu plan to give her ideas on the types of food she should eat, in addition to how often she should eat. For all of those years, she did not get it. I understood that she was not ready to make a change in her life; I accepted it and left her alone. I know that when it comes to change, the individual has to make a decision for them to commit to change and until then, it will not happen.

Today, I get a phone call and guess what? She got it, with the help of another source. She came across a book that informed her of the same information I was telling her. Now she was ready to hear and absorb it. She reduced her soda intake and is eating 5 small meals consisting of more fresh fruit, vegetables, fish and chicken. She used to stop by Wawa and pick up a bag of Doritos or some other chip and a soda. Now, she can go to Wawa and walk by that section without a need to fulfill a salt and sugar craving. The reason is because she is now providing her body the nutrients it needs with healthier options and her cravings are diminishing. She has exercised on and off for years, and that component will be more consistent. As a result, she feels better and is dropping weight.

For so many people like my sister, the idea of planning was not in the forefront of her mind. Her occupation made her transient and as a result, she was always eating on the go. In addition, she rarely ate breakfast. Now, she realizes that she has to eat breakfast daily, plan her meals for the day and even for the week. She cooks in advance and freezes her meals. She states it is work, but for her health it is worth it. I know it seems hard at first, but with anything when you commit to it, it becomes easier. I am proud of you big sis. All of the seeds I planted and patience I maintained has paid off.

If you can influence someone in your life to better his or her health, it is so worth it!

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