This is a common question, which you may be thinking about yourself. One of my cousins emailed me recently and stated, “I’m not joining a gym and want to exercise at home. What are some things I can do to get rid of my stomach besides sit ups?” I also had a class member that asked if I had a workout designed specifically for abdominals.
All of my clients and class members know that I will do some type of abdominal work throughout and at the end of our workouts. I also tell them that they can do abdominal exercises day in and day out, however, if they do not clean up what they eat in addition to adding at least 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise combined with strength training at least 3 days per week, their tummy will stay. Abdominal exercises mean nothing if you continue to eat in the same manner that put the extra inches around your waist. If you are a woman and your waist is equal or larger than 35 inches and as a man your waist is equal or larger than 40 inches, you are at risk for weight related illnesses such as heart disease and diabetes. Even if you are not in that category, you would still need to increase your exercise intensity and eat better if your abdominals are not where you want them to be.
First, reduce with intention to eliminate high sugar, high fat and processed foods from your diet. When your body consumes these items, there is no nutritional content. The greater nutritional value that your body needs is in whole grains, fruits, vegetables and lean meats. Once you have made the food commitment, add more cardiovascular exercise to your life. Find something that you love to do. See my last entry dated August 15, 2010 on Falling Off the Wagon. When these two items are part of your lifestyle, the abdominal work that you are doing will make more of an impact.
One of my favorite exercises for the abdominals is the Plank. Start by lying on the floor with your elbows directly under your shoulders. Push your body into a full flat bridge. Tighten your core, glutes and quads as you push into your forefeet to keep your torso rigid. Without allowing your hips to hike up or your tummy to sag, try to stay in the position as long as you can while looking at the floor. Try it at least 3 times working toward 1 minute each time. If you are new, start with 10 seconds. This is something that can be done during the commercials as you watch your favorite TV show!
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