Did you know that your thoughts play a critical role in behavior change and they also set the stage for lapses in your behavior? I am referring to changing your lifestyle to become healthy and fit. In my entry, Stages of Change, dated January 4th, I discuss how before you take the physical steps to start an exercise and/or weight loss program, you have to take mental steps to ensure you are committed and will stay with the journey to be successful.
During the journey, thoughts can be influenced by both internal and external factors. For example, the external factors are years of learned behavior that has created poor eating habits and lack of exercise or unrealistic images in media and print that affect your opinion of yourself. Internal factors can be lack of motivation, self-sabotage, doubt and negative thinking.
The different types of thoughts that you may identify with are:
All or Nothing
In this line of thinking you are either with the program inclusive of all the peaks and valleys that may occur or if the slightest thing throws you off course, you are finished and feel you have failed.
Restriction and Deprivation
In this line of thinking your diet consists of strong thinking of what you can have or what you cannot have. Did you know it is extremely unrealistic to eliminate your favorite foods entirely? Weight control is balance and moderation NOT perfection. You have to be able to aim for better choices and recognize that not everything will be ideal.
Rationalizations or Excuses
When you rationalize, these are just rational lies you are telling yourself. Are you constantly making excuses for not starting something or sticking with it? Accountability is so important with change. You have to be able to hold yourself accountable and if you need to, find support via a friend, family member or fitness professional.
Is the glass half empty or half full? Can you turn a negative situation into a positive? With this line of thinking, you doubt success at the deepest level and common thoughts center around, “I hope” or “I wish” or “If only I”. These are defeating phrases in areas of change toward a healthy lifestyle that you CAN control. Change to "I will" or "I can".
Ok, so what is the solution? It lies within you. You have to come to terms with knowing that your body will change if you lead it with positive, affirming thoughts in your mind and your heart. You have to want change like you have wanted nothing else for yourself and not let the internal of external factors rule. Take charge and emphasize what you love about you. When you are comfortable with that, your negative thinking will lessen and you will find success toward a healthier and fitter you!
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