Sunday, November 4, 2012

Avoid Complacency: Time to Get Back on Track

During this time of crisis and loss by so many in my state of New Jersey, I send my thoughts and prayers to those during these tough times at the hands of Superstorm Sandy.  There are many in my immediate area that also lost power and were thrown out of a normal routine with offices and schools being closed unexpectedly.  These types of  conditions can easily lead to a state of uncertainty which could lead to complacency.  If you lost power, were you sitting around and eating more than you probably would in a normal week?  Did you get off of a regular exercise schedule because classes were cancelled or your fitness center was closed? Believe me, I empathize and know how you feel because I lost power for more than 5 days during Hurricane Irene in August of 2011.  The one thing that I did was continue with as close to a normal schedule as possible even without power.  At that time, most people around me had power, but I felt it was necessary to not get caught in the vortex of complacency.   Complacency is defined as self-satisfaction especially when accompanied by unawareness of actual dangers or deficiencies.

Why am I discussing this?  I found that in speaking with people and observing behavior that it is so easy to get thrown off track with various areas of your life.  Which area of your life do I want to highlight?  You guessed it! Health and Fitness.  So many people got sidelined and lost energy or drive in that area of their life.  When you are complacent, you feel your best has been done or perhaps you just don't care to do better, even when you are out of a normal routine.  Your internal struggle is to convince yourself that putting forth the effort to exercise will be worth your time.  When you get to this place, be cautious because this can lead to a total derailment.

My suggestion when crisis strikes and there are things out of your control (such as power loss or your office being closed) is that you stick as close to your fitness regimen as possible and think positive and healthy thoughts rather than dwell on the negative.  Here are the benefits: 
  • Stress relief
  • Less food consumption
  • Excess calories burned
  • Feel good hormones released (and needed in crisis)
Get back on track as soon as possible to continue with your health and fitness regimen for life!  Be Well!