Recently, I was given a couple of different winter squashes that I never paid attention to. They were those foreign looking objects in the supermarket that did not call my name. In this past year, I have tried many different varieties of fresh vegetables to expand my knowledge and keep my own diet healthy with plant based foods. This time it was an acorn squash and a carnival squash. When I first received them, I did not have a clue what to do with them so with the information free flowing on the internet, I had to confirm the type I had and then get ideas on how to cook and eat them.
After my search, I found it easiest to cut them open and bake them in the oven. My husband is one that does not eat as many vegetables as I do, but found the aroma enticing since it smelled like cake. He tasted it and actually liked it, after he put a few seasonings on it. If that helps, that is fine but at least it was not cake. It was a healthy and easy bake alternative.
Winter squashes are starchy vegetables and definitely fill you up. They are a good source of Vitamin A, C and fiber. They are also low in saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium. Other varieties include the hubbard, spaghetti and more well known butternut, to name a few.
My advice is to try something new and step outside of your comfort zone in the kitchen. You will be pleasantly surprised and you never know, your family may like it too!