I recently was asked the question, "Where do you get the passion to do what you do?" I don't think about it often, however, recently I sat down and wondered why after over 10 years of being in the fitness industry, my passion has grown and continues to grow.
Let me explain how I got into the industry in the first place. I worked in the financial industry for fourteen years where I thought I would never leave. That is what you think when you start your career, right? Well, many years prior to my departure, I started exercising in a fitness facility and noticed that as my body was changing, I would receive questions from random folks on what to do. At that point, I considered working as a personal trainer as a hobby. Again, I did not have intentions to leave my finance job, but wanted to help people with their fitness goals. As things changed within the company and my displeasure grew, my desire to help others and see their results was more gratifying than sitting at a terminal screen all day. After a year of contemplation and consternation, I made the leap from the corporate world and started my own personal training proprietorship.
When it comes to why I wanted fitness to be my next career, I noticed how society's health was changing for the worse. Direction and guidance was sorely needed in the field. Being a role model for good health was my goal and there is a piece of this that stems from my own family. Having good health is a gift and should not be taken for granted. I think we start to realize this as we get older, especially if we have not had exposure to an ill family member or friend early in life. In my family, both of my parents and both siblings have hypertension. My father has heart disease and arthritis and my mother has non-insulin dependent diabetes. In my extended family, I have two cousins that are survivors of breast cancer and an aunt who passed away of the disease. In addition, I have many first cousins that are overweight and obese. I would say good health is not in my genes, however, I choose to stay out of that population by consistent exercise and good food choices. This is MY testimony on why physical activity and optimal nutrition are important and should not be taken for granted. Just because your family members or prior generations are or were candidates for various diseases, does not mean you are destined to be as well. It can be a choice.
The smile on my face in the above photo represents the joy I feel when I work with my clients and know that I am helping them to reach their fitness and health goals. Consequently, when my clients work hard, follow my guidance and see results, we achieved their goal together. It gives my joy to inspire, motivate and to keep all of my clients and class members healthy, educated and fit.
Here is to your good health and prosperity in 2011! Cheers!